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Thursday, February 24, 2011
9 Reasons why I think there will be a Part 2
1. Thom Yorke interview on new "revolutionary" release strategy. You can read more on this at the very bottom of the site.(#6)
2. The band have been 100% silent since the message Ed sent out on 2-18-2011 on the band's website, saying to go ahead and download the album. He also made the Full-Moon reference. And with all the rumors about a Part 2 (TKOL2) they would have denied these rumors by now. (#10)
3. Chieftan Mews! He has been giving us clues before and after the album was announced and released. He was also confirmed to be real by Stanley Donwood in an interview on 2-23-2011. (#12)
4. The picture with 4 of the band members holding out their arms (limbs), also look at the Prediction and Speculation Greek theory at the bottom of the page. I know there is a message in this photo, just not 100% yet. It could mean Colin is the base and there will be 4 limbs. (#17)
5. The sixth song is titles "Codex", which means tree trunk in Latin. The first 8 songs are the "tree trunk", or base. I think this also adds to #4 above. (#21)
6. The fact that you will have the option to upgrade to the "Newspaper" edition. What would make people want to upgrade, unless you found out there was going to something else included in the "Newspaper" edition. The band has had several years to plan the release of this album, this one seems quite obvious to me. (#20)
7. The man named "Leo", that seemed to think the song "The Present Tense" would have been included in the initial release. Oddly enough Thom Yorke follows him on twitter.(#7)
8. The tweet Radiohead sent out themselves from their account "渋谷 ハチ公広場 金曜日 18時59分". This translates to "Hachiko Square Shibuya, 59 minutes at 18 Friday." No explanation was given, but I think the "Lotus Flower" video was supposed to premier there. This just adds to the speculation, with all of these hidden and cryptic messages and anagrams. (This has since been deleted from their account). Chieftan Mews also referenced this in (#12).
9. XL Recordings the band's record label has a story on its website from NME about there being a Part 2. I can't imagine a record label posting a rumor on their website if they didn't know there is a good chance that it could be true.(#27)
The only thing I am not certain on is when we will see the next release. The moon theory seems to be make a lot of sense with the Full Moon reference on the first release.
Thanks for all of the kind words on this site, I have put a lot of effort into it. If anyone has any recommendations to make this site easier to use, feel free to contact me. I would like the layout to be easier to use. All of my contact information is near the bottom of the page.
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Sunday, February 20, 2011
Radiohead's 'The King Of Limbs', is there a Part 2?

In this post you will find all of the latest developments on "TKOL2", just scroll down to find the most recent update(s).
On Friday February 18th, Radiohead released their 8th studio album "The King Of Limbs"; exactly one day earlier than they had originally announced they would release it. Here is the message from Ed O'Brien on the bands official website:
"It's Friday... It's almost the weekend...It's a full moon....
You can download 'The King of Limbs' now if you so wish!
Thank you good people for waiting ... Have a great weekend wherever you are...."Is there going to be a Part 2, or even a Part 3 and 4 to Radiohead's The King Of Limbs? When the band's 8th studio album was made available for download on Friday, Feb 19th there seemed to be even more speculation when only 8 tracks were released with less than 38 minutes worth of music being released. I began to research it and uploaded a video that evening with all the information I could find on it
Here is my original video on the subject. Though, I was wrong about having more information within 24 hours but I have been able to gather a bunch of additional clues in the following days. Be sure to check the video out below.
Since then, I have been able to find more information, so I decided to start a dedicated blog on the subject.
These are all of the clues that I have been able to find. Number 4 was from an article I found online, and number 9 was from the Radiohead Fan Site AtEase
UPDATE: (2-23-2011) Big thanks to everyone who has helped me on this! Especially everyone over at ( message boards) and These are Unofficial Radiohead fan sites that have a ton of great content and I highly recommend both of them.
1. Is there a hidden message in this song "Separator"? The song contains the lyrics: "If you think this is over then you are wrong" This is repeated 4 times in the song.
2. Is "Separator" what separates part 1 and part 2? Remember this song was originally titled "Mouse, Dog, Bird". It does seem weird to change the name to Separator?
3. Why would they release a double vinyl album for 8 songs or 38 minutes worth of music? I know a lot of people have said that a 10" vinyl can only hold 3-4 songs max depending of course on the length.
4. The file was named "TKOL1", which leads you to think there might be a "TKOL2"
The King Of Limbs clocks is at 37:29 in length, which makes it their shortest album; but only by 4 minutes or so.
Pablo Honey – 42:11
The Bends – 48:37
OK Computer – 53:27
Kid A – 49:57
Amnesiac – 43:55
Hail To The Thief – 56:35
In Rainbows – 42:43
5. Supposedly when The King Of Limbs website went live the Japanese site said that there were "download 8 tracks from the album". From indicating this is not the entire album??
6. Thom Yorke interview about new "revolutionary" release strategy. (From August 2009) Click here for interview Releasing 8 songs with a bunch of artwork is not really "revolutionary". While it may be the first so-called "Newpaper" album. Radiohead is renowned for looking for ways to creatively released their music. Remember the "Pay What You Want" with In Rainbows?
7. The "branches" and "limbs" metaphor. (Every tree has more than one branch, ie, indicating more than one release?)
8. A twitter post from (Leo?). Who sent out the following tweet:
"Suppressing my disappointment that 'Present Tense' didn't make it to the new album.... yet." #thekingoflimbs #radiohead 10:26 AM Feb 18th via web
Who is this guy, and why might this matter you ask? He is one of only 5 people that Thom Yorke follows on twitter. See for yourself I think the keyword in the text from Leo is YET. Does he know something we don't know? One would think he at least knows Thom Yorke since Thom Follows him on Twitter, right?
9. From a user (name withheld) on AtEase (Radiohead fansite "I had a bit of a problem with my order last week, and one of the Operators said to me that next week everyone who ordered the digital-only copy would be contacted to see if they want to upgrade to the Newspaper version." "There may be more information available early in the week (other than just the music) that may change people's minds about the Newspaper version"
10. The band have been awfully quite, and not given any other information or interviews on the new album so far. (Yes, it only has been out for a few days) Though, the band will usually dispel any rumors like this and this has been listed on several major websites.
11. The band had 3-4 years to write and record "The King Of Limbs", and the final album will have 8 tracks and 37:29 in length? One would think there would be more to the album than this. Thom Yorke has been performing new material. There are a handful of songs that may have been recorded, yet not released. Where are these songs at: The Daily Mail, The Present Tense, Burn the Witch, A Walk Down the Staircase?
12. You may also want to follow this account on twitter, there is speculation that this account has been sending out clues for a possible Part 2 of the album: "I'm hidden in your 8-Track" 12:50 PM Feb 15th via web. Here is another tweet "私 はそれらに日本語を教えた. See my prowess below. ALAS, I will visit Greyfriars Bobby instead of Hachiko BUT whenever I want to. Bite. Bite. Dog. BBBARk". Remember back on Thursday the 17th when Radiohead sent out this cryptic message in Japanese, "渋谷 ハチ公広場 金曜日 18時59分" , which in English reads "Hachiko Square Shibuya, 59 minutes at 18 Friday." The square is named after a dog
You might recognize Chieftan Mews from the Radiohead film "The Most Gigantic Lying Mouth Of All Time"
Which could explain dog reference made by Chieftan Mews. Then take into account that Stanley Donwood (, who has done all of the artwork for "The King Of Limbs", and previous Radiohead albums is also following Chieftan Mews. On top of that remember Leo ( from number 8? Well, he is also following Chieftan Mews.
UPDATE! As of February 22nd Chieftan Mews has deleted all of his tweets.
Luckily, you can still view them by clicking on the image to the left.
Tweet from Feb 15th: "I'm hidden in your 8-track"
Notice the tweet to Mos Def on Feb 17th, could he somehow be involved with this album? He did previously cover the Radiohead song "All I Need" from In Rainbows.
Notice his tweet on Feb 17th is an anagram: "Mob likens Fight" = The King of Limbs. And if XXXX leaks. Is XXXX= Thom? "fib me ghost link" = The King Of Limbs"
Feb 23rd new message: "My translation device has been temporally displaced. I am searching and yearning for someone that speaks Plymouth. Ooo ooO"
Feb 23rd another message: "My bucks, must I go out on a limb here and say more is revealing at Ελληνική οδός? That man: ims menooo! Juicy pre-watching. Beware you not!"
"ims menoo" is an anagram for semi moon! see number 18 below.
"Ελληνικ ή οδός" = Greek street Stanley Donwood (he does Radiohead album artwork) is currently holding an open art gallery on Greek Street in London. Could there be additional clues at this location?
Here are some photos from his exhibit on Greek Street, maybe you can find something by looking at these.. Click here
Feb 23rd another message: "Do not beware ye Ides of March as all the footage shall disappear by then. My trail in the woods leads to a lost love letter. Written by me."
The Ides Of March is March 15th in the Roman calendar referring to the day of the full moon.
UPDATE! Stanley Donwood has confirmed that Chieftan Mews is real in an interview!! (2-23_2011)
Q. Speaking of that, do you think Chieftan Mews is bound to come back? Other than some really strange Twitter messages, he’s been nowhere to be seen since the thumbs_down webcast and some cryptic posts on Twitter (though some people, me included, don’t believe that’s actually him). Where is he?
"Yes, I’m new to twitter and Chieftan is someone I’m following. He’s an extremely sinister person. I have certain information that makes me almost 100% certain that the twitter Chieftan is the real Chieftan. I’ve been trying to get him to agree to a meeting because I want him to be director-general of, but he won’t commit."
Full interview is here:
UPDATE #2 at 8:40 PM EST Chieftan Mews twitter account keeps switching from "ims menoo, my buck" to "HIBERNATION MODE EOT" pic below
Not sure what this means???
This was his background on Twitter:
The black box reads "BASF sound loop 8+ 90", this is an 8-track used to record music on to one of these. 8 tracks...there were 8 tracks released originally
Lets also look at an entry that Radiohead guitarist Ed O'brien made on the band's website on Tuesday February the 8th:
The Dignity Revolution
Obviously, keeping in touch with everyone but I have to say I have become increasingly excited over the last 3 months about the possibilities of this form of communication.Yes I am very slow out of the blocks. It's in the arena of public protest that it seems twitter and facebook are increasingly the means by which popular movements throughout the world are able to come together and mobilise.
I have been so moved by the peaceful Jasmine revolution in Tunisia; The anti-Government demonstrations centred on Tahrir Square in Cairo.. Social networking has helped facilitate the freedom to assemble peacefully and express oneself. Equally in Britain it seems to be having a similar effect in helping essential protests being organised by students and groups such as UK Uncut against the Government's ill thought out cuts ... Well done those people!
Here is a link to the band's website:
Now this may not not mean anything at all, but it does show that the band are aware of the power of social media sites such as Twitter and Facebook. Which could make these tweets hold some type of meaning.
13. Another possible twitter clue "Leo" on twitter (, "@GraphicTypo Enjoyed getting ready to it Sat night. Disappointing lack of heart-wrench though. Think there will be more to come though. Shh. about 5 hours ago via web in reply to GraphicTypo"
14. More tweets from sent at 2:00PM EST on Feb 21st "I tried to arrange the 14 pieces of limb art to make something out of twisted woods and temporally displaced my unit. NOW GO ON! ␄" Is this his way of telling us there are 14 songs or there are 14 of something?
If you remember back to around August of 2009, they released the single "There Are My Twisted Words". That single was released as a digital download, and contained 14 pieces of artwork that included tree branches (limbs), were they giving us clues then?
15. Here is a conversation that supposedly took place on The King Of Limbs order support live chat:
[Visitor] is the twitter account "ChieftanMews"!/ChieftanMews in any way affiliated with the band. the reason i ask, this account accurately predicted radiohead's "japanese tweet" as well as the video for lotus flower
[Operator 3]we know of chieftan mews
[Visitor] so this isn't a troll?
[Operator 3] no, this is all i can say
There are also rumors that member's of the band could be these "Operators". Thanks to the nice folks over at Green Plastic for the information (Radiohead fan site)
16. -from KyleLogan from atease
When you open Bloom and the JPG of the album artwork in Notepad it's just random characters but there is a line in both that says
"T I C K 0 0 1 C D 4 P P S L I T P A C K - D E L G A"
it actually looks more like this
"T I C K 0 0 1 C D (space) 4 P P (space) S L I T (space) P A C K - D E L G A"
What is interesting is the CD4, are there somehow a total of 4 discs, or 4 releases?
17. Let's Take a closer look at the photo below:
This is a photo released for The King Of Limbs, if you notice Ed and Thom are located at each end of the photo holding an arm (limb) at the same height. It is a little harder to see Thom's arm because at the angle he is holding his arms. Phil is also holding his arm out the same way as Thom. It was also brought to my attention that Jonny is also holding his arm out in the same way. Are they giving us clues with this photo? Four arms (limbs)= 4 EP's? Why is Colin not holding his arm out??
Let's also look at this photo:
This photo was on first seen on their website as they announced The King Of Limbs. Could this be another clue? I feel as if there is a message in this picture, though I am not sure what it is just yet.
18. Here is a clue, that was given by (neonred) in the comments section. The album was originally set to come out on Feb 19th, but on Feb 18th, which is the exact date of the Full Moon phase (which Ed mentioned when it was made available for download, that it was a full moon!). What might happen on Feb 24th, which is the date for the half-moon phase? Or March 4th its the date of the No Moon phase (which is also a Friday). There is another full-moon phase for March 19th. This album does seemed to be based around a heavy Nature theme already! See more on the lunar calendar here. And how about this, lyrics from Lotus Flower, "And all I want is the moon upon a stick". I think we are on to something with this!
19. In a mysterious post on the (Radiohead fan site) on the message board there was a post by a user("Aporia"), (thought to be a member of the band, many think it is Thom Yorke) giving away some clues about the album and its cover. It gave the names Arbor and Spyky, which is thought to be the name of the ghost like creatures on the cover of the album; then provided the picture below, and a picture of the album cover.
It is thought that this painting inspired the album cover... This painting is title "Amor & Psyche" by Eduard Munch. Not sure what to make of this yet?
20. The photo below was a conversation that took place with an operator on The King Of Limbs website, stating that people who only got the digital album would be able to upgrade to the "Newspaper" edition. I think this almost confirms that there will be more music released. Click on the image.
21. The 6th song on "The King Of Limbs" is titled "Codex", and the word "Codex" A codex (Latin caudex for "trunk of a tree" or block of wood, book; plural codices) is a book in the format used for modern books, with multiple signatures (two, four, or eight sheets which are folded, stitched, and bound), then typically bound together and given a cover. Could the first 8 songs be the tree trunk, and the other releases be the limbs? Link
22. Go to the King Of Limb order page, that you reach from the Dead Air Space website…
Then go to “order tracking” after entering your e-mail and password.
The URL of the page ends with : OrderTracking/memberindex.php.
Now try to add “2″ right after “memberindex”, like this :
Then hit “Enter” : the page reloads immediatly
Now try to add “3″ : you get a blank page saying “BYE”
Try to add “4″, or “5″, or any number you want : you get a blank page saying “No Imput File specified”
Which means that page 2 and 3 are already reserved….3 limbs? …we already got the first one!
This is from a tumblr account, I will provide a link once I find it...
23. This was posted today (02-23-2011) on the AtEase Message Boards by the same user("Aporia") from #19, which is thought to be a member of the band or Thom"If we are a metaphor of the universe, the human couple is the metaphor par excellence, the point of intersection of all forces and the seed of all forms. The couple is time recaptured, the return to the time before time. [OP] "
Ok, what is this suppossed to mean?? Help me by leaving a comment.(Update) OK, so this may refer to a Queen... Now look at #12 Chieftan Mews sent a tweet out on Feb 17th "Where is my queen of diamonds?" The OP stand for Octavio Paz. (Update 2) Also, the word octavo is a book or pamphlet made up of one or more full sheets of paper on which 16 pages of text were printed, which were then folded three times to produce eight leaves. Each leaf of an octavo book thus represents one eighth the size of the original sheet. Could there be 16 songs total?
24. (2-24-2010) Stanley Donwood posted the following tweet today, "i think im being shadowed by chieftan mews: ims menoo. more later. when i know". The only person Stanley follows on twitter is Chieftan Mews and Mews only follows him. I think Stanley is Chieftan Mews. You can see his twitter account by click here:
25. I think there is a message or clue or something at Stanley Donwood's art exibit down on Greek Street in London. This photo is taken from his website:
Exert from his website: link
"It doesn't seem like much time has passed since I made a silent vow to myself never to do another exhibition. I am no good at keeping silent vows made to myself. Another one, Work on Paper, is up now, hanging on the walls of the gallery pictured above. Look carefully, because this is important. There are two doors, aren't there? One on the left, one on the right. If you choose to visit this exhibition then I recommend you choose the door on the left. Not the door on the right, as that leads elsewhere and moreover to regions which are beyond the purview of the exhibition. Don't say I didn't warn you. Although for some people this warning may have come to late. My apologies to all concerned for any confusion or distress caused..."
He also just updated his twitter profile picture to this: notice "Doors that open and shut" is repeated 5 times.
I think there is a clue, or a message, behind the door on the right. Who is in London that can check? Also, there might be other clues there. In #12 about I added a link to some photos someone took of his art gallery, though I was not able to see anything out of the norm. If you see him there try to get some information out of him if possible. And take photos and video if possible. UPDATE: The door on the right leads to where you can meet up with a "model", for a "massage", or "other services" hence the warning... I still think there might be a few clues at this exhibit.
26. Aporia has made 2 posts today on AtEase:"When a part so ptee does duty for the holos we soon grow to use of an all for a bit " and "bit by bit". OK, "bit by bit", are lyrics to "Little By Little". We are getting the album bit by bit.
"This sentence is Joyce's critique of language: we cannot represent reality accurately, because any use of p and t (Ptee means petit, French for small) is bound to reflect only a fragment of it. It also his praise of language (we can do so much with so little), and his description of how nat language works" This could be anyone posting, right? I am not sure how serious to take this.. Update, the first quote is from James Joyce here. Additional thoughts anyone??
27. OK, this could be big! Posted directly on XL Recordings website link. XL Recordings is the band's record label!! If all of this were not true the band would dispel these rumors one would think. Also, I can't image a record label would post a rumor about one of their own artist's and it not end up being true. I think that would be negative publicity..
28. (2-25-2011) APORIA posted this message on the AtEase message boards, "somniloquence",another anagram. You can easily see "queen" in there, as well as "Clues En Qi Moon". We know about possible clues from the moon, as well as Chieftan Mews tweeting about "The Queen Of Diamonds"
Two more messages from Aporida today, "it from Obit: agenbite of Nitwit" and "[AT,E] IT: O, YET WE TRUST." Your guess is as good as mine.
UPDATE 2-26-2011: Aporia's last post was another reference to Ulysses by James Joyce. 'Agenbite of Nitwit' is a mis-spelling of 'agenbite of inwit', a phrase used by Joyce, which is itself a mis-spelling of 'Ayenbite of Inwyt'. This is a Middle English phrase meaning 'prick of conscience'. Furthermore, it is very interesting that the main character of Ulysses is called Leopold Bloom. First track on TKOL? Bloom. Bloomsday on the 16th of June is a day that the works of James Joyce are celebrated. There also happens to be a full moon on the 15th/16th of June.
29. Notice in this photo posted a few months ago on the bands website.
When you look in the bottom right corner of the painting in the back right corner you can see in the bottom left of the photo the album cover. Now if you notice the photo to the left of it, there is a Magpie which is a "long-tailed black-and-white crow that utters a raucous chattering call" in that painting. Any guesses?
30. Hidden MP3 audio file in the album art work. (The artwork from the download both MP3/ WAV)
Discovered by the fine folks at Mortigi Tempo.
We were curious about why the album artwork is 4.84 MB, which is quite large for an image.
So some people ran the picture through a program called Photosounder. Most pictures just produce a sort of white noise. But if you run the album cover though you get a rhythmic, almost eerie sound. If you isolate the text from the cover (by deleting out the rest of the cover) and fiddle with the settings in Photosounder, the image produces what sounds a lot like birdsong. There are a lot of small details within the title (the tree branches), so if the file was too small the birdsong would be lost (or less apparent). So, basically, there's music hidden in the album cover.
Radiohead Bird Song 1 by tkol2
Also: If you reverse this file it may rhythmically sound like the melody in 'Sing a Song of Sixpence'. This relates it to 'Burn the Witch', and on the atease forum Aporia posted a picture and a line from this nursery rhyme in a thread titled 'Bird Song'. AND because in the tweet Donwood posted about the story he was reading, there were no bird songs in the woods. There were only sounds of birds after they got rid of the slug creature in the woods.
31. The following is an e-mail that was sent to me confidentially today from a Sound Engineer in North America. I have removed the names and cities to keep the source confidential I replaced names and cities with a single X.
first of all, congrats for your site.
Yeah so i wanted to tell you some info that i know from 100% sure sources.
I'm a sound engineer in X at a top studio.
The top producer here, let's name him X, is Nigel Godrich's good friend.
he knew him back then when they we're both 'runner'' at Audio one in England.
Back in november, Nigel was supposed to come to X to visit X because he was now free
because RH finished their album.
Unfortunately, (for me also, i really wanted to see him), Nigel cancelled the trip because
he had to rush back to the studio since RH wanted to record, and i quote ''even more songs ''
he used this term because as you know, it was known back then that they have been on fire in the summer and
that they we're at their most productive period of all time.
Nigel told him that they we're on fire and wanted to record more songs to back up a ''killer concept they have been
working on since they want to revolutionize even more after In rainbows''
Also, I want to confirm a fact to you.
Chieftan Mews is not Donwood, it is Nigel.
X once told me that his kids we're now scared of Nigel because of his ''weird appearance in that movie''
this movie is , obvioulsy lying mouth. in fact, it's easy to see, just compare the Chieftan picture with a picture of nigel's face.
the eyes ,shins and nose are the same.
Also, monday , on a alchool-centered ''after-prod'' party, X told me he was kinda mad at nigel because he just wont tell
anything about the ''weird shit he is posting on twitter. I then said he has no verfied account of nigel and he told me '' not that account the Cheif Mews account.
then he told me the next day that the account was controlled by both Nigel and Stanley when they have something to put out.
so it's 100% sure that account is controlled by somebody in touch with the band.
that is it.
good day
p.s. the queen of diamonds is a good trail. since donwood talk about it all the times on his blog ,( he refers to snow as diamonds.)
To me this e-mail would seem to confirm that there are more than 8 songs, and support the theory that Chieftan Mews is both Nigel and Stanley. I don;t know this person on a personal level but he seems very sincere and honest. And I where he lives in North America English is not the only language spoken there.
32. Look as if the album artwork has been found, from the users on AtEase:
"It appears to be an InDesign thumbnail. It was embedded within the album art that came with the download. There's a bunch of code in there that seems to be for an InDesign document, but I can't get InDesign to read the file. If someone could, maybe we could get a better look at this thumbnail and read some of the text. "
"Open up The King Of Limbs album art in a text editor and ctrl+f for "256."
Around here begins a bunch of code that defines a 256x256 thumbnail.
The code itself starts with "/9j" and ends with "/9k=". If you want to test this out for yourself and you happen to have the official .jpg, copy and paste this code:
If this is the actual album artwork it only shows 8 songs, so that could mean if there are other songs they will be available in the "Newspaper Album".
into an HTML file. Then, replace the XXXX with everything between and including the "/9j" and "/9k=" in the album art. Open up the HTML file."
Here is some additional information on it: The reason for this is because Adobe embeds a great deal of metadata in files their programs handle. The code in the .jpeg supplied with the album is such metadata. Included is a thumbnail from InDesign of the album design. I believe this is because the .jpeg was extracted directly from the album design, and retained some of its metadata.
33. Chieftan Mews changed his Twitter location to "ims menoo, my buck. No Mews Is Good News."

So, here's a breakdown,
@AdamAsRoot was on twitter up until a few days ago where he 'disappeared' (I really hope we didn't spook him) sadly I'd switched off my computer at that point and lost the feed so I couldn't screenshot it. I've since tried to get it back but there's no cache of it anywhere.
He was one of the few people twittering back and forth with Mews before Mews deleted his old log. One of the Twitters to Mews was'transmissions received' or something like that. Which makes me think it's Adam from the Scotch Mist Webcast. The last Twitter message from Adam was something along the line of// Limbs.Solders something something Radio.Silence // Adamas is also ancient greek.. apparently for Diamond.
This is courtesy of Muggs on the MT message boards, but I also saw AdamAsRoot's Twitter feed 1-2 days ago.
34. This picture was sent from @AdamAsRoot on twitter to Chieftan Mews.
Also from Muggs on MT message boards, Remember ages ago there was a red and green image posted to Mew's twitter that had Aporia on it in 3D. Well I got curious about the green image under it and ran some colour filtering to try and clear it up a bit."
Now take a closer look at the image in the background on the image on the left.
This is a picture of the real King Of Limbs in the Savernake Forest.
Here is one more from a different picture sent below.
The left side is before and the right side is after.
35. Here is an interesting essay written by Colin Greenwood on the way music today is distributed in October of 2010. You can read the entire thing here. Below are some excerpts that I found interesting.
"With In Rainbows, we were able to be the first people to digitally release our record, directly to people’s personal computers, at 7.30am GMT on 10 October 2007. I was having breakfast, and watched as the file appeared in my email, and the album streamed onto my desktop. I spent the next day and night monitoring people’s reactions online, both to the music and the means of delivery. Journalists in America had stayed up overnight to write the first review as they received the music – again, in the pre-digital age they would have had advance copies up to three weeks before. On the torrent site bulletin boards, people were arguing over whether they should be downloading and paying for the record from our site, rather than the free torrents. Various online pundits and pamphleteers were pronouncing the end of the record business, or of Radiohead, or of both."
"Three years later, we have just finished another group of songs, and have begun to wonder about how to release them in a digital landscape that has changed again."
There are a couple of things that stand out to me on this. The biggest thing is they are trying to come up with different ways of releasing music, which is what I think they are doing now, though we have only received part of the completed work. Notice he also mentions "group" of songs? I think that is how they are being released by "groups". He also discusses that after "In Rainbows" was released he was watching people's reactions online. That would also make me think that he is familiar with 2 of the more popular Radiohead message boards online, which of course are AtEase and Mortigi Tempo (greenplastic). I point this out because the band usually denies rumors that go around, and if you are familiar with these message boards, you would know that both of them have gone crazy with some of these rumors since the album was released back on 2-18-2011.
36. In an interview with Jonny Greenwood from November 2010 he gives out some information for the upcoming album, here is an excerpt:
While Greenwood didn’t digress much on specific aspects of the album (he even admitted he tends to remove himself from the decision making process), the guitarist did say “10 pieces (tracks) maybe some more” would be included. Greenwood also noted that the band has yet to decide how to release the effort.
So he is suggesting that there will be 10 or more tracks. You can read the entire interview here.
37. Now remember Leo (@decath10n) back from #8? Here is an interesting conversation he had with someone today(2-28-2010) on twitter,
From @vematias "@decath10n what do you think about all speculations around #thekingoflimbs?"
From @decath10n"@vematias Is there any eventuality that hasn't been covered yet?"
From @vematias "@decath10n I was hoping you could tell me!"
From @decath10n "@vematias All will be revealed in due course. But not by me."
From @vematias "@decath10n No mews is good news?"
38. Take a look at the ghost like creature on the right of the album cover. Notice there seems to be something in its left hand. Then there are 5 different images of it up close
Now it does look like there is something there. Several people have said that they can see The Queen Of Diamonds hidden on the cover.
This was sent in by Michael "I cropped it a little better... The card is being held at a 45 degree angle with the top of the card being cut off by the bottom of the album cover. The ghost is holding it from the bottom left corner of the card and you can see the Queen in her robes with a little hat on... She is horizontal along the bottom of the picture. Above her, one can barely make out a Q -- something, presumably "Qu" There is a red smudge where the ghost is holding it, that I believe is the diamond."
The Queen Of Diamonds. Let me know what you think. Also, in a French deck of cards the Queen of Diamonds is named Rachel, which is also the name of Thom Yorke's girlfriend. Thanks to colamatto for the info. Read more here.
39. This evening at around 8:00PM Radiohead posted a photo on their Facebook page. Its the black and white one with their arms raised. This is the first sign of "life" from the band since realaesing The King Of Limbs. Just a few minutes after the Facebook page was updated Chieftan Mews Twitter account started following "Wall Of Ice", is the name of a rumored EP that was supposed to be released around the same time as "These Are My Twisted Words" was released. Then about 10 minutes after that the Wall Of Ice sent out 2 messages, "Tick, and "Tock". Then 20 minutes later it sent, "Tick Tock to a Wiltshires Oak" Remember the artwork to "These Are My Twisted Words" contained 14 pieces of artwork that were pictures of tree branches "limbs".
The Wall Of Ice has a profile picture of the Radiohead Bear and has sent out only one message back on August 14th, 2009: "Troubling? Be kind, patient and above nice". About 30 minutes later Wall Of Ice changed their profile pic to......sliced ham? Yeah, sliced ham...
It is from Wiltshire which is where The King Of Limbs is located, and there are 4 slice's, could there be 4 releases/ songs? I am not sure what to think about this........... Another tweet from Wall Of Ice "2 pairs for 2 pints". Someone could be having a laugh at us with the ham picture, though Chieftan Mews is following Wall Of Ice and Mews has been confirmed as being legit by Stanley Donwood himself in an interview.
Update on Wall of Ice: the following messages were sent out by this account on 03/02/2011: "IPAD2 yes!!!!!!!!", then "Sorry to spoil the fun guys but I have nothing to do with radiohead." And the final message, "But I did share some DM's with @chieftainmews and I'm positive he is the real deal." I am not sure what to think of this? The thing I still question is why is Chieftan Mews following this account?? Update #2 as of 2:45PM EST, Chieftan Mews is no longer following Wall Of Ice. Additional tweets from Wall Of Ice on 03/02/2011: "I don't know why Mews started following me. This account has laid dormant for years." and, "Mews was nice, sincere and releasing anything else would ruin your fun. Im sure you will all be happy soon enough! :)".
These other message may not mean anything, but I am trying to keep everything documented here on this page. ALSO: I am not deleting this one because Chieftan Mews was following this account on twitter.
40. 03/02/2011- Stanley Donwood tweets, "who are zachariah wildwood and donald twain? its not clear yet. but the facts are emerging from the fog, from the woods". It is also worth noting that he also updated his blog click here.
I will find out who Zachariah Wildwood and Donald Twain are, and post it as soon as I find out more. I goggle both names and found nothing, so if you are familiar with these 2 let me know.
The name of Donald Twain might be from a script called "Withnail And I" You can see more on it here.
Also read this entry in his blog:
"This will be a work taken from the yet-to-be-seen-by-anyone artwork for Radiohead's new record, The King Of Limbs. Entitled Divided Woods, it is (or will be) a screen printed version of one of the series of oil paintings that I and the Doktor produced during the recording of the aforementioned album.
I'm currently in hiding in a strange city far from my usual haunts. Events caused by or connected to the production of artwork had become a sort of sticky web of entanglement.
But now, from here, they seem less ensnaring, and my new project, possibly the most ambitious yet, is taking shape across the digital lines of communication. This new project will, if everything goes to plan, involve many major cities of the world.
I feel a little like a Bond villain, hiding from the world in this hilltop fastness, with lists of capital cities taped to the walls of my lair, scrumpled versions of my plans littering the metal floor. I should think up a suitable codename for it, perhaps. "
Could there be another planned event like the one in Tokyo? Also, I thought those names could possibly appear in the newspaper. I assume there will be stories in the newspaper, as well as.......
UPDATE!: There is supposed to be a radio interview with Jonny Greenwood tomorrow on BBC6 Music. Make sure to check it out it will be from 7:00am to 10:00am in London, or 1:00am-4:00am EST here in the US. You can listen to it live here
UPDATE #2! As I write this it is 6:46pm EST on 03/03/2011 where I am located. Tomorrow is a New Moon and Jonny Greenwood is giving an interview on BBC 6 radio around 7:00 am in the UK. Tomorrow will also be exactly 2 weeks since The King Of Limbs (Part 1) was released. I guess the main reason I think there could be a release tomorrow is due to the Full Moon reference Ed made when TKOL was available for download. Some people have also said that the New Moon could also relate to the fact that Thom Yorke contributed to the soundtrack of the same name.
Update: 03/04/2010 There was not much information given in the interview, you can listen to it below.
Speaking for the first time publically since the sudden release of The King of Limbs, Jonny told 6 Music that the band as a collective were being non committal about their future: “We are recording with Radiohead and rehearsing, playing and making music and working out what to do.
We have stopped planning ahead very far, just making music and wondering where to go next and what to do,” he said.
I am not sure what to think just yet as far as the interview is concerned. Maybe they really are recording even more music?
As crazy as some of these theories have been that could be. Could it also be possible that all of the releases for TKOL will be on a friday? "On A Friday" was the original name of the band, is this a coincidence?? On the other hand 2 weeks may not be long enough since the first release and the band will wait until the next Full Moon which is March 19th for the next release. I am wondering if they were to wait a full month to release a Part 2, if that be too long? What I mean is, would the hype for a Part 2 be greater after 2 or 4 weeks? Also, keep in mind if there are "only" 2 parts they might wait a little while longer to release. Now if there are 3-4 parts, that could make a Friday release more feasible. I think they will make headlines all over the world regardless of the date. Some of the rumored names going around for part are: "The Queen Of Diamonds", and "Wall Of Ice".
I will try and keep everyone up to date so make sure to keep checking back.
41. Around 8:00pm on 03/03/2011 EST Chieftan Mews has updated his profile picture on Twitter. Could he be getting ready to send us a message? Stay tuned...
42. Take a look at this! From 2005. Dr. Tchock is an alias for none other than Thom Yorke himself. 2005 is when this calendar was printed, which was also the first time the phrase "IMS MENOO" was referred to on Radiohead's Dead Air Space website. In case anyone was in question on whether these Moon theories made any sense, I think this answers that....
Can someone figure out what "IMS MENOO" means? Does it mean Semi-Moon? Is that going to be the next release date?
43. At 8:10pm on 03/05/2011 EST Stanley Donwood tweets: "finally a photo of a big drawing i did for the show at the outsiders. here: and. im in the same zone as mews apparently" So, now Stanley is making a direct reference to Chieftan Mews.
You may also find this entry made by Ed O'Brien on Dead Air Space interesting as well. It's from March 5th of last year (exactly 1 year to the day) and is titled, "1 2 3 4.... Chieftan Mews anyone? to read it click here.
The photo below is on his newest blog entry from his site. The blog entry was previously mentioned on #40 above. Any hidden messages or clues in this picture?
44. Chieftan Mews Tweets!! At around 9:00pm EST on 03/05/2011 Mews sent out the following messages: "By and large, that buck @StanleyDonwood is now the one shadowing me! Tis indeed hard to look at mirrors with so much smoke and fog about." and "And settle down the lot of you! As always, for those that wish to write to me, please do so by stating your age. Just your age." He uses the same age reference in the film, "The Most Gigantic Lying Mouth of All Time"
He has also sent several DM's (Direct or Private messages on Twitter) here is one he sent on Feb 21st: (click image to enlarge)

Then he altered the profile pic of the person he sent the message to by putting his picture on top of the other person's head
45. Here is an excerpt from an Interview with Jonny Greenwood talking about there being more than 10 songs:
Inevitably, though, the conversation turns to Radiohead's new album, their first since 2007's In Rainbows shocked the music industry when fans were invited to choose their own download price. It should be pointed out that our conversation takes place well before the rushed release last month of The King of Limbs. "There are more than 10 [songs]," he answers. "To me, it sounds like they're all 99 per cent finished. But my quality level is a little bit lower than everybody else's. I'm impatient, childish. But the others are like, 'No, this is nearly right. Let's get this right.' And looking at our old albums, they've been right in the past. They're probably right now."
Announced on a Monday, due on the following Saturday, pulled forward to the Friday – the arrival of the band's eighth studio LP caught everyone by surprise. In the end, there weren't "more than 10" songs – just eight – fuelling internet chat that a follow-up is fast approaching. Though when is anyone's guess; since the download-it-for-£6 release, every band member has remained tight-lipped (including Greenwood, who declined to answer any follow-up questions about The King of Limbs for this feature). You can read the full interview here.
I find this interview interesting. Not sure why he would decline to answer the question about a follow up, unless there is definitely going to be more. Let me know what you think.
46. 03/06/2011 Is there going to an announcement from the band on this? It has been over 2 weeks and still nothing from the band. If you look back on #45 Jonny refused to comment on a follow up or Part 2 if you will. If you look at the picture below you will see the order support for The King Of Limbs website ( it looks as if there is going to be a change made to the site within the next few days to allow people to upgrade to the newspaper edition.
Now with both The Ides of March (March 15th) and the Full Moon that will occur of March 19th , I am guessing that something will happen on either one of or possibly both of these dates. Chieftan Mews has referred to The Ides of March and the Full Moon theory seems to make even more sense.
The Ides of March is the name of 15 March in the Roman calendar, probably referring to the day of the full moon. Here is some more info on the Ides of March. So, Ed referenced a Full
Moon on Feb 18th, Chieftan Mews mentioned The Ides of March on Feb 23rd. Stanley and Thom released a book on the Lunar Calendar (specifically phases of the Moon) back in 2005, and IMS MENOO has been on their website, and Mews twitter. Thom also sings "Cause all I want is the Moon on a stick" in the song, "Lotus Flower"...
Also on Saturday March 19th The Full Moon will be the closest to the Earth than it has been since 1993. This phenomenon is called ‘lunar perigee’. Meanwhile, there are astrologers who called it ‘SuperMoon’. Read more about it here.
Now Jonny did say in his interview on BBC6 Music that the band were recording at the moment, which could be the case, or that could just be the answer that he gave them. There were some rumors going around that Thom Yorke, Nigel Godrich, and Colin Greenwood were in Los Angeles possibly for Nigel's birthday.
Another thing I have not posted was also from the website where yo order the bands album, where is says:
"One lucky owner of the digital version of The King Of Limbs, purchased from this website, will receive a signed 2 track 12" vinyl."
What are these 2 songs going to be? This could be totally unrelated to a Part 2, so I am not sure. Also lets look back at this picture again, which was on the Radiohead website the day The King Of Limbs was announced.
The following is from a user on Mortegi Tempo:
This picture seems to support the moon theory very well.
The first limb on the left is the "announcement" day and the second limb is the "release" day.
The Announcement day is definitely a waxing moon which is *almost* full.
The Release day is a full moon.
The picture seems suggest this. (the limbs themselves have two moons on them)
Oddly, there are a total of 6 limbs in the picture (2 moons per every LP = 3 LPs?)and 4 of them do not have moons on them yet.
Also, March 15th looks exactly like the Waxing "announcement" moon (also a Monday as Feb 14)
And March 19th is a full moon.
Let me know what you think.
47. 03/06/2011 Remember the Sound Engineer that work's for a friend of Nigel's back in clue #31? I contacted him today to see if he had possibly heard anything else, and he told me that both him and his mentor (the producer), also his boss, feel that there is definitely more music on the way. He also said that he was told by his boss that he had never seen Nigel so consumed by a project before. He also said that a "common friend", also told him that Thom, Ed, and Colin were recently in LA with Nigel, to celebrate his (Nigel's) birthday. So it appears as if they were just in LA for Nigel's birthday and nothing related to Radiohead, etc. Which explains the LA sightings.
Now this is both of their opinions that there will be more music. They both work in the music industry, and he also said that with all of the rumors about there being a Part 2, that he thinks they would have denied the rumors if in fact they were not true. I think everyone can agree with the band's silence that something is going on...
48. 03/07/2011 Could Radiohead be planning a surprise Announcement/Concert?! Posted by Adrian D. (bloomis2) on the At Ease Message Boards:
Hi everybody !
I'm from Paris, and I'm pretty excited with a new information I'd like to share with you.
In France, there is a guy called Zegut, who is like an old rock'n'roll cowboy. He hosts a radio show about rock music and posts music news on his blog.
I started to read his blog more than a year ago when I noticed he was right when he said before everyone that Arcade Fire was going to headline a festival in Paris. He said something like 'my little finger told me that..." and gave us the info. He is friends with everyone related to festivals, shows, big or small concert rooms, etc. He knows his shit. So to me - and to many people following him, actually - he is someone to trust.
This morning he posted this :
"J'ai entendu parler d'un concert de Radiohead à Paris, qui aurait lieu dans un endroit inhabituel, un petit endroit...
A suivre..."
translation : "I heard about a Radiohead show in Paris, that would occur in a unusual place... a small place... to be continued..."
He's not the kind of guy that would say that out of nowhere. One of his contacts told him about something.
What if Radiohead was planning small venues across europe very soon? What if the next full moon brings us an update of the tour dates page?
I think it's a very intresting information. Just wanted to share my enthusiasm.
VERY interesting!
Is there a Conspiracy Theory to The King Of Limbs, or is it just clever ("revolutionary") marketing?
I will continue to update this as any information or rumor(s) becomes available. You can subscribe to this blog to be notified when it is updated by following the link on the right side of the page.
Predictions and Speculation:
Left as a comment on 03/01/2011:
think there's something happening March 12th, which I hope to be another release of songs. I'm starting to be more convinced that Chieftain Mews is Stanley Donwood, not a member of Radiohead. The title of his site is "No News Is Good News," paralleling the phrase "No mews is good news" repeated by Mews.
Donwood's gallery was originally scheduled to be open from Feb. 17th - Mar. 5th. He put up ads and posters up for it and everything with that date on it, posted as early as Jan. 24th. Note that the gallery opened the day before the album was released.
Suddenly, Feb. 7th he updates the site "The show is to be extended by a week, until the 12th March. I would like to think that this was due to 'popular demand', but have to concede that this is not the case."
March 12th is a half moon, which fits in with the "ims menoo" or "semi-moon" stuff. To me, mew's "ims menoo, my buck" is him saying that his money's on the half moon (Mar. 12th) as the release date.
Also, today Radiohead makes its first post, and there were those wall of ice posts "tick" and "tock." Why today? Not because it's the first day of the new month, but because 11 days ago TKOL was released, and 11 days from now is March 12th. Today was the halfway point.
OK, this is a prediction from inkybrown on Mortigi Tempo ( message board):
"He's posted (refering to the mystery poster on AtEase message board) posted several images of couples including the 2 ghosts. I think TKOL will be 2 LPs and their "children" will be EPs and singles. Goes with the Queen of diamonds post by Mews."
Now in my opinion this makes a lot of sense. There could be 2 LP's with 8 songs each, the first one being "The King Of Limbs", the second one being the "The Queen Of Diamonds". Mews, also mentioned "the heart is the king of limbs, and all other limbs are just like soldiers...". Which could dispell the 2 LP theory, and mean 1 LP (TKOL1), and the rest are EP's?
Here is one from Nicholas Gray on Mortigi Tempo ( message board):
"Regarding the band pic, they are in the woods, with 2 trees. They are a part of these trees, with Colin being the trunk/body and the rest are limbs. This coincides with the real king of limbs. 3 main bodies, and a bunch of branches. Keyword, 3, and then a lot of branches. The album is a 3 parter with the branches being singles/eps."
This is by far the best one yet! By autoganz on Mortigi Tempo ( message board):
"I've been a lurker, following the discussion since the day it began. I haven't been able to put my mind elsewhere, so it's about time I add my own tidbits into this (whether they are a stretch or not is up to you).
1. "Feb 23rd another message: "My bucks, must I go out on a limb here and say more is revealing at Ελληνική οδός? That man: ims menooo! Juicy pre-watching. Beware you not!""
Reference to Stanley's exhibit at...
2. Greek Street
3. "Thom" is posting under the pseudonym "Aporia" (Ancient Greek: ἀπορία: impasse; lack of resources; puzzlement; doubt; confusion) denotes, in philosophy, a philosophical puzzle or state of puzzlement, and, in rhetoric, a rhetorically useful expression of doubt.
4. I went about drawing guidelines for the band members based on their body positions as well as the position of their limbs:
5. If you stick to the Greek theme, Thom, Jonny, Colin, and Phil become the Greek letters - λιτλ
6. Google translates λιτλ into "Little"
7. Could Ed's shape represent a crescent moon? semi moon/ims menoo?
Probably just grasping, but I want to see this thread keep growing limbs."
How brilliant is this?!
-So, here are 3 I am going to work on a time as to when this might happen.
Okay, so Stanley Donwood confirmed in an Interview today that Chieftan Mews twitter account is real. And with all of the other clues, I am 99% sure there will be another release. So here we go:
Feb 24th is a half-moon Nothing happened on this date
March 4th is a New Moon (Friday) Nothing happened on this date
March 12th is a half-moon (Saturday)
March 19th is a Full Moon (Saturday) First 8 songs were released on a Full Moon
March 26th is a Half Moon (Saturday)
Now March 28th is the physical release date for the CD and 12" Vinyl.
May 9th is when the "Newspaper" edition is set to be shipped.
"The King Of Fail" here
Here are the lyrics to the album here, could there be any hidden messages or clues in them?
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Thanks to Filter Magazine for the article: here
Thanks to for the article: here
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Here are my initial thoughts to The King Of Limbs in the video below.
If you would like to add anything to this leave it in the comments section below and I will add it. You can also contact me through my YouTube and Twitter accounts.
Here is a Tumbler page on the same subject(made by a fan in Brazil):
You can listen to the entire (or Part 1?) album with the video below.
Here is a photo of some of the artwork which became the album cover: From